
Showing posts with the label environment

Should Elon Musk Sit Down With Bill Gates to Discuss Climate?

The beef soup between Bill Gates and Elon Musk doesn't seem to be simmering down any time soon!  The two had a small online spat during the pandemic in 2020 but it seems that engine has revved up again recently when Bill Gates sat down with Bloomberg to discuss his climate tech investments and solutions.  These two men have tremendous influence, intelligence and resources that, when combined in partnership, could do so much good for the world.  The world will never know why the two businessmen choose to keep a distance.  It's actually a bit pitiful and kind of like watching a father and son throw digs at the other every so often.  They probably could learn a fair amount of knowledge from each other if they were to put their small differences aside. There are indicators that lead me to believe that the two would get along IRL if they were both willing to clear a time in their schedules, plan a meeting and have a serious discussion about matters that are near and dear to the bot

A New Exciting Environmental Reality Show...

Have you heard about "Hot and Toxic?"  It’s a new reality show that follows a lady named Janet who moves into a home with a very gassy companion. The show stars numerous other hot companions that also come along for the romantic ride.   The show sees Janet become acquainted with 21 of THE hottest, MOST toxic housemates you’ve ever seen!  If you have the same gassy companion that Janet has, you may want to check to see if you know any of these associates.  Some of the names of these highly irritating mates include Hyde, Di, and C. Mo.  Sound familiar?!  The show serves as a reminder to unsuspecting folks that you’ve got to be careful who you invite into your personal space ; )  This show is going to be a #1 hit reality show and you will definitely want to know all about these housemates.  The show will be bringing you all of the hot and bothered entertainment and drama.  It's nothing like you've ever seen and we have to thank some very environmentally focused folks for

Leave the Sea Turtles Alone: Nine Die from Consuming Marine Turtle Meat

Nine individuals passed away from consumption of endangered marine turtles in Pemba Island, Zanzibar last month.  A total of eight children and one adult died due to chelonitoxism or food poisoning from the contaminated turtle meat.  Death from chelonitoxication is thought to be a rare happening and is mostly associated with consuming marine turtles such as Green sea turtle, Hawksbill turtle, Olive Ridley and Leatherback turtles.    Consumption of sea turtles is considered a delicacy in remote places and African countries such as Tanzania and Madagascar, French Polynesia and Indo-Pacific regions.  The sea meat is usually consumed at celebratory gatherings.  The individuals who cook and consume marine turtles are unable to decipher if the meat is toxic because the marine turtles appear healthy and do not display any symptoms.  The chelonitoxins cannot be destroyed through heat or cooking.  The chelonitoxism that occurs in marine turtles are due to environmental factors which may include

Engineered Stone is Contributing to Record Numbers of Silicosis Cases

Engineered stone is a form of composite material consisting of crushed quartz that is used for the purpose of countertop creation.  The crushed stones are held together by polymer resin and is largely made up of a chemical compound called silica.  Engineered stone emulates the look and feel of natural stone and it is usually selected because it is more affordable and requires less maintenance than natural stone.  The beauty of engineered stone comes at a price—that is—for the contractor responsible for its installation. More Environmentally Friendly or A Hazard to Human Health? Some individuals also opt for engineered stone because they believe it to be more environmentally friendly than natural stone but this couldn’t be further from the truth.  Workers who manufacture and install the artificial stone are developing serious and incurable lung disease.  The installation of engineered stone requires cutting, grounding, shaping and polishing.  During this process, storms of fine dust are

Octavia Spencer plays Mother Earth in Apple Commercial. Keeping Apple in Check!

Apple premiered their yearly Apple Event introducing the new Apple Series 9 Apple Watch and the iPhone 15 standard, plus and pro models.  During the event, a commercial was premiered featuring Octavia Spencer, Tim Cook (CEO of Apple), Lisa Jackson (VP of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives.  This funny commercial saw Octavia present herself as “Mother Nature,” a stern yet comical corporate responsibility officer.  Before Octavia entered the scene, all the officers and workers at the meeting were shuffling around looking nervous and anxious while drinks shook on the table.   We even saw Tim Cook rehearsing the lines that he would repeat to Mother Nature when she entered.   After Mother Nature arrives, Tim Cook, asks her “how was the weather getting in?” Mother Nature then says, “the weather was however I wanted it to be!”   Mother nature reminds Mr. Cook of his promise in 2020—which is to bring Apple’s carbon footprint to zero by 2030. As the commercial ensued, the viewer learns

The Science is Very Clear On which Diet is Better for the Environment

There’s no question that the meat production industry has an extremely negative impact on the health of our planet.  Research has proven that one’s carbon footprint can be reduced by as much as 73% (Poore & Nemecek, 2018). Green Lifestyle Organization’s Beef and Meat Free Environmental Initiative was created with this knowledge in mind.  Not only are meat and animal emissions effecting the environment in a harmful way, there are also many health risks associated with excessive meat and animal consumption.   Fad diets such as the keto diet, which incorporate heavy and excessive animal and dairy consumption are not beneficial to environment nor to the body.  Eating a keto diet raises the risk of increased LDL cholesterol levels and artery blockages as proven through research conducted by the American College of Cardiology. More studies have been conducted which have contributed to the body of knowledge concerning the benefits of eating a plant based diet where climate change is a pri

New York is Orange and Canada Is Burning

Air Quality levels in New York have surpassed hazardous levels this week due to Canadian wildfires.  The levels are considered unhealthy for the general public.  Public health officials have advised the general public to refrain from strenuous activities as thick blankets of orange smoke cover the atmosphere.  Approximately 400 fires were burning in Canada on Tuesday evening many of which are considered out of control The wildfires considered to be out of control began in Quebec where weather conditions are unusually dry and very high in heat temperatures. By Wednesday Morning, the New York skyline was fully embroiled in a stretch of hazy fire colored smoke.  It’s even been described as looking similar to a “post-apocalyptic hellscape.” There was a strong permeating smell of smoke, which increased in concentration by the afternoon.   Wildfires have mostly affected the state of California in recent months.  It could be a shocker to some that the Canadian provinces of Quebec, Ontario and

Climate Activists Throw Tomato Soup On Van Gogh Painting at London National Gallery

A duo of climate activists threw tomato soup on Van Gogh’s iconic "Sunflowers” painting at the London National Gallery. The duo hails from the activist group, Just Stop Oil.  Sunflowers by Van Gogh is a still life painting from a series which is revered by art enthusiasts and communities.  Van Gogh created four different versions of “Sunflowers” which were meant to showcase the stages of life—from new to dying. The London National Gallery holds the fourth version, which was created in 1888. The climate activists from Just Stop oil threw two cans of tomato soup at the glass encapsulated painting and then glued themselves to the gallery wall.  Just Stop Oil is no stranger to staging protests in front of acclaimed artworks.  Activists from the organization glued themselves to the frame of Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” which is displayed at London’s Royal Academy of Art.  The female protester could be heard on video with a thick British accent saying, “What is worth more? Art or life? 

More Climate Deniers in Britain than in US?

Fires and Heat...How could this be happenin g? The United Kingdom is experiencing a brutal heat wave where temperatures are surpassing 100 degrees Farenheit which is a record in UK weather history.  Multiple fires broke out during the past few days and have burned down grassland, properties and homes.  The fires originated in grass as the record temperatures continue soaring.  On Tuesday, temperatures reached 104 degrees Farenheit at Heathrow Airport.   A SkyNews correspondent, Laura Bundock, discussed her experience with the chaotic fires: "It was like night fall near the fire, with winds moving the flames at a terrifying speed. You could see the smoke spreading though fields, fueled by brittle dry ground, which crunched underfoot," Bundock wrote. "As the fire grew, we saw emergency services running through the village to evacuate homes." 104 degrees Farenheit in the UK? NO way it could be true! Still even with the confirmed research and science some British people

Android Sophia Wants to Help the Environment

Sophia is a top selling artist, science lecturer and personality.  She creates NFT (non-fungible token) artwork and was recently featured in a Sotheby’s art auction.  The piece entitled, “Sophia Instantiation” sold for 700k.  The piece included a painted self portrait of Sophia and a 12 second mp4 showing how the art work evolved.  The artwork was a collaboration between artist, Andrea Bonaceto and Sophia. The intention of the collaboration was to “explore the possibility for humans and robots to collaborate not only on operational tasks but also on creative efforts.”   I’m sure we’re all wondering how robot Sophia spent her share of the moolah?  It seems these days that Sophia is worried less about money and more focused on her talents and helping the environment.     Sophia was created by Hong Kong based robotics tech company, Hanson Robotics.  Sophia is run using advanced AI (artificial intelligence) technology and allows humans to increase their knowledge through special sensors an

Stony Brook University Now a Top 40 Institution and other Highlights

Congratulations to my Alma Mater who is now a member of the Top 40 universities in the USA. Stony Brook University has inched up quite a bit and now holds the 39th spot on the QS World University Rankings list.   I’m so proud of my Alma Mater who's been steadily rising up the ranks hanging right there in the radar of the top universities in the USofA.  Stony Brook also has the #1 spot for public universities in New York and is number 13 on the list of Best Public Universities in the US. I’m also proud to announce that we have a new young Seawolf on our hands.  Congratulations to my little brother who has just graduated from a private school here in NYC.   He was offered scholarships to study at the inaugural Roc Nation School of Music at Long Island University and the electrical engineering program at Syracuse University.  He’s chosen to make Stony Brook home for the next four years and boy did he make a great decision by becoming a newly proclaimed Seawolf!  I can’t tell you how e

Green Sculptural Art by Daniel Popper

Daniel Popper is a South African artist who incorporates the physical surroundings into his sculpture creations. Popper’s latest installation was created during the pandemic and is called “Thrive.” The monumental sculpture is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at the Society Las Olas building. This permanent public installation incorporates natural elements such as concrete, fiber, glass and greenery. The 30 foot tall sculpture features a feminine figure carefully revealing an open interior. The viewer can physically walk through the fern covered interior with its tunnel style appearance. Popper created “Thrive” to be an inspiration of hope and transformation; a year where many were forced to find ways of thriving in the midst of turmoil and loss. The installation is very awe inspiring and the interpretations one can receive are numerous. The plants represent new life and the concrete represents the hardness of life. The juxtaposition between the concrete and the greenery can be int

Nordic People Seek to Prevent Oil Drilling in the Arctic

There is a climate court case named People vs Arctic Oil that was initiated by environmentalists and young earth activists in Norway who desire to prevent oil drilling in the arctic. The Norwegian people, realizing the climate crisis at hand, wish to put a stop to activities that will only heighten it. The primary organizations that make up the ‘people’ in People vs Arctic Oil are Greenpeace Nordic and Young Friends of the Earth Norway. On a side note, Nordic people and people of Nordic heritage have proven to be extremely passionate about stopping the climate crisis. Some of the most outspoken people in today’s fight against climate change are of Nordic heritage (wink wink). The country of Iceland ranks extremely low in their CO2 emissions compared to other countries in Europe and the USA. Obviously, Nordic people are waving their green flags and living life the right way…the green way. In 2016 Greenpeace Nordic and Young Friends of the Earth sued the Norwegian government for providin