
Showing posts from November, 2014

Should Elon Musk Sit Down With Bill Gates to Discuss Climate?

The beef soup between Bill Gates and Elon Musk doesn't seem to be simmering down any time soon!  The two had a small online spat during the pandemic in 2020 but it seems that engine has revved up again recently when Bill Gates sat down with Bloomberg to discuss his climate tech investments and solutions.  These two men have tremendous influence, intelligence and resources that, when combined in partnership, could do so much good for the world.  The world will never know why the two businessmen choose to keep a distance.  It's actually a bit pitiful and kind of like watching a father and son throw digs at the other every so often.  They probably could learn a fair amount of knowledge from each other if they were to put their small differences aside. There are indicators that lead me to believe that the two would get along IRL if they were both willing to clear a time in their schedules, plan a meeting and have a serious discussion about matters that are near and dear to the bot

What's so "Super" about Superfruits?

They’re exotic and they can often lean towards the pricier end of the monetary scale. They are touted and talked about by health fanatics and health police all over the world! What do fruits like mangosteen, acai berries, chokeberries, goji berries, noni fruit, blueberries, lychee berries, ligon berries and maqui berries have in common? These super fruits all have extremely potent antioxidant power. What makes them so “super?” Firstly, they are rich in anthocyanins, a class of polyphenol antioxidants. Polyphenol antioxidants can help to fight and ward off various inflammatory conditions. They have even been very effective in fighting various cases of cancer. Superfruits have the word “super” in them because their antioxidant content is much higher than the average fruit. Other antioxidants found in superfruits are cyanidin, flavonoids, malvidin, cumarin, and delphinidin. Some may be familiar with the saying: “The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice.” In the case of the s