
Showing posts with the label conscious travel

Should Elon Musk Sit Down With Bill Gates to Discuss Climate?

The beef soup between Bill Gates and Elon Musk doesn't seem to be simmering down any time soon!  The two had a small online spat during the pandemic in 2020 but it seems that engine has revved up again recently when Bill Gates sat down with Bloomberg to discuss his climate tech investments and solutions.  These two men have tremendous influence, intelligence and resources that, when combined in partnership, could do so much good for the world.  The world will never know why the two businessmen choose to keep a distance.  It's actually a bit pitiful and kind of like watching a father and son throw digs at the other every so often.  They probably could learn a fair amount of knowledge from each other if they were to put their small differences aside. There are indicators that lead me to believe that the two would get along IRL if they were both willing to clear a time in their schedules, plan a meeting and have a serious discussion about matters that are near and dear to the bot

Celeb Private Jet Usage is Contributing to Environmental Issues

Flying by airplane is not an environmentally safe way to travel.  Travelling by private jet is particularly harmful to the environment.  Individuals with the resources often choose to travel by private jet for various reasons which include their comfort and lifestyle as well as the main reason being to get from point A to point B in the quickest amount of time while avoiding airport lines and security.  It’s not often that these individuals think about the environmental impact that their choices have on the environment.   It is important to focus on collective efforts for taking of earth but when individual actions are equivalent to amount of CO2 emissions of a collective, it should be publicized.  Digital marketing company, Yard decided to do just that where private jet travel is concerned. In July, Yard, released a list of celebrities who had the highest carbon emissions by private jet.  They received raw data from Celebrity Jets and compared data to the average person’s CO2 emission

Conscious Travel Series: Garden Car Kensington Market, Toronto

There’s an outrageously, spray-painted car sitting pretty in Kensington Market, Toronto. It is unlike any other car you’ve ever seen before!! The car is home to trees, shrubbery, plants and flowers which appear to be growing out of it. It’s an eclectic, eye-catching and staple green landmark in the Kensington Market neighborhood of Toronto. Longtime residents have described the Kensington Market area as multicultural, walkable, bohemian and artsy. garden car art is right at home in this vicinity. The idea for Garden Car originated with anti-car advocacy organization, Streets are for People. The first car created under the organization was a part of the Community Vehicular Reclamation Project. The car has since changed bodies and is now a maroon, blue and green vintage sedan which was salvaged from a junk yard. The most unique aspect of the car is the garden growing out of it, which continues to attract tourists looking to get a shot with the green work of art. The city of Toronto v

Treasure Island: The Most Green City in the USA

Treasure Island is a small island in the San Francisco Bay area. It was built in 1936 for a World Fair that celebrated the golden gate international exposition. Currently, it has a small community of 2000 people. Treasure Island is an urban green oasis with 220 acres of open space and a biologically diverse ecosystem. Residents may only leave the island by car or by bus. They’ll need to fill their tanks up elsewhere because the island does not have gas. All of the buildings on Treasure Island has met the gold standard of the U.S. Green Building council, which has reduced the energy consumption of the island. The city is also home to lush plants and forestation which helps reduce the carbon footprint of the island. Due to the fact that there is a decreased reliance on cars by residents of the island, there are minimal amounts of pollution, thereby making the island one of the most green places in the USA. Treasure island is bicycle friendly with numerous bike routes and pedestrian p

Sydney, Australia - First City to be 100% Renewable Energy Powered

Sydney, Australia is now fully powered by renewable electricity which is sourced from local wind and solar projects. every major building, stadium, convention center, sports fields and traffic lights are running via green clean energy. The mayor of Australia, Clover Moore, presided over the green deal which was achieved in collaboration with flow power and Repower Shoalhaven. Repower Shoalhaven is a non profit community group which has been instrumental in developing community solar projects. Flow power is a key energy retailer within the Australian markets. Their mission entails helping business reshape how they manage electricity. The green deal is the largest one in Australian history. Key elements that will be a result of this new shift in utilization of 100% renewable energy include: CO2 emissions will decrease in Sydney by 20,000 tons. The city will save money up to a half million per year. Job growth and prospects are expected to increase. Communities impacted by the pand

Conscious Luxury Travel Series: Dolce Hanoi Golden Lake Hotel

There's a new and fascinating hotel in the far east that has everyone talking! Dolce Hanoi Golden Lake Hotel is situated in Hanoi, Vietnam and it is the world's first 24 gold plated hotel. Talk about a smart way to utilize one of earth's precious metals!!! Wowzers! Owner, Huu Duong, explains that the gold used in Hanoi Golden Lake Hotel was sourced locally in order to keep costs down. Duong desires to see people of all backgrounds inside of his hotel connoting that he created the hotel to be enjoyed by everyone rather than a select group of people. Now are there streets of gold in this gorgeous gold-a-licious hotel!? Well--no not exactly! this gold hotel features a gold exterior, 24k gold tiled infinity pool, golden toilets, furnishings and even gold food! some might even consider this place to be a little bit of heaven on earth. Ooohh la la! Dolce Hanoi golden lake hotel possesses 25 stories and has the potential to make an individual feel like a king or queen once they s

Conscious Luxury Travel Series: Green Vacation Spots

The need for a safe and clean environment should have some impact on the daily decisions that people make. About 79% of Americans consider themselves to be environmentally conscious. Traveling can be a major hobby or pleasure for many. For others it is a necessary right. Vacations are needed to recoup from everyday stresses, home and work life. If you consider yourself to be environmentally conscious, then you might want to consider a few of these green cities and islands the next time you plan a vacation. (1) Vail, Colorado- Vail, Colorado is a popular tourist destination for individuals seeking to vacation in a colder environment and participate in winter activities. Vail is home to many ski resorts. One fact that most may not know about Vail, Colorado is that many of its ski resorts embrace carbon neutral sources of power. Vail, Colorado and the surrounding ski resorts were one of the first towns to incorporate the use of wind energy as a way to decrease global warming. Vail